Is the Deep, Hull, wheelchair accessible? There is blue Badge wheelchair friendly parking outside The Deep and the entire flooring area of The Deep is smooth with ramps for wheelchairs. When parking in the Car Park that is in Hull city centre and outside The Deep you must display your Blue Badge to park in a widened accessible bay and these are charged at £3 for six hours 6am-6pm and £1 from 6pm-6am. More information is on the website about getting there and using the park and ride or public transport services. When you enter The Deep there is a specialised wheelchair accessible door and you wait for the lowered kiosk to buy your tickets. Essential carers are given free entry and your photograph is taken when you get a ticket to give you free return entry for a year. There are also special reduced prices for Students, Senior Citizens and Families. This is a particularly good activity for disabled children during the school holidays as the beautiful colours of the fish all lit up made a wonderful sensory experience and there were lots of information packs and signs about the fish and small bugs and creatures there. If required, perhaps look at visiting on one of the Quiet Days (as detailed online) since all music and soundtracks are turned down and lights are brighter for an even greater sensory experience. There is quite a lot of ground to cover so I would recommend hiring a mobility scooter for free from the ticket office as you enter. My poor boyfriend definitely burnt some calories pushing me around! We visited on a weekend and I must say it was pretty crowded and I found it hard to see the penguins in particular due to the large crowd blocking my view. Patience or a visit on a less busy day is definitely required. Again, I found the website really helpful to plan my visit prior to going so do check it out on There was a disabled toilet and the Cafe was accessible via a lift. If you have any questions then do feel free to drop me a line on