How do I choose an accessible Wedding videographer? ft. Keeley Wedding Films
I wanted to kick off my accessible wedding series through featuring a company that is very close to my heart. Grace and Brad from Keeley

My Surprise Proposal!
This is a particularly exciting blog post for us here at Disabled Travel with Georgina; we are celebrating the launch of our wonderful new website and I also wanted to share some truly fabulous news with my amazing followers… WE ARE NOW ENGAGED!!

Le Raaj Indian Restaurant, Chester-le-Street
My partner, Richard, and I love taking a small break around December time when possible. It’s nice to just switch off from the Christmas chaos

Thomas Wright House Hotel & Restaurant, Durham
Thomas Wright House (https://thomaswrighthouse.com) is a luxury hotel and restaurant situated in Byers Green, a quaint little village within a ten minute drive of the

Ventnor Botanical Gardens, Isle of Wight
Those of you who follow my blogposts as they are published will notice that there has been a small break between this post and the

Bolsover Castle – The Greatest Show
You would have to have been living under a rock to have not heard about the hit film – The Greatest Showman. The music has